Sensor technology in the digital age

The Baumer value promise

Baumer offers one of the broadest portfolios of different sensor technologies. Centerpiece of all sensors are high-precision and reliable measurements. This optimizes Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) while maintaining flexibility. Secondary data and information provided by intelligent sensors monitor and optimize Smart Factory processes. Varied interfaces allow the sensors to be networked by plug and work. Data and information are made available to systems in both the OT and IT worlds and enable smart services at any level.

Baumer - Your Partner for Connected Smart Sensor Solutions

What drives Digitalization?

The concept of Industry 4.0 - industrial digitalization - is not an end in itself. It emerges from the ever-increasing demands on modern manufacture. The objectives of increasing Overall Equipment Effectiveness at reduced Total Cost of Ownership are nothing new. These objectives were already pursued in the early stages of industrial automation. Today's fast-paced society has created another requirement - flexibility.
Hence, industrial Digital Transformation is mainly driven by the following three factors. 

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